… When I moved over from Operations to Corporate HR, I felt the need to be on the fast-track to capture the nitty-gritty of HR function. So, I went on to attend an association meeting, where an influential member speaker commented, “These days companies are talking of HR. I appeal to all member organizations to rename their departments from P&A (Personnel & Administration) to HR.” Flabbergasted, I could not digest how only changing the name of a department would make the difference. So I took upon myself the challenge of building up an environment in my organization where people were treated with respect, the management listened to them, and the organization invested in their development. I challenged the misgiving that by spending on people development, the employer might end up a loser if the employees leave. The message was clear that having loyal deadwood for twenty years is a much bigger loss than having four star-performers for only five years each. Of course, if one could have loyal star-performers, that would be the best of both worlds. Years later, all these thoughts became the building blocks of my journey forward with a clear vision.

Years ago...

Well... what does it mean to me in my consulting interventions? Everything! It underpins every project I undertake, where my unwavering focus lies in assessing the value my team and I bring to the table. I've come to recognize that the disconnect between the grand strategies devised in the boardroom and the gritty reality on the organization's frontline can be nothing short of staggering.
In the practical world, the transformation of corporate strategy into tangible targets at the team or individual level often encounters distortions so profound that it leaves management bewildered. Having experienced both sides of this equation, I empathize deeply with the frustrations it can entail. This, in essence, is what drew me into this arena.

to sum up my journey...
An expert in executive assessment and focused coaching, I am an Engineer-MBA, CPC (Certified Professional Coach), and CELC (Certified Executive Leadership Coach). I have spent over four decades in the Indian industry in Operations, Materials, Information Technology, and Human Resources; and held Unit Head and Corporate Functional Head positions. Having worked with Parle, Mohan Meakins, Ajay Piramal Group, and Hawkins Cookers, my last assignment was with JBM Group as Chief Human Resource Officer before switching to management consulting in 2008.
I initiated many innovative HR practices at the organizations I worked for. Some of the key-areas handled by me are Competency Assessment, Performance Measurement, and Design / Implementation of unique Professional Value Enhancement Program (PVEP).
Apart from being a certified facilitator for 360-degree feedback, I am also licensed to administer Thomas PPA, TAS, TST, and related instruments. In addition to conducting standard BPM-II® (Bullet Proof Manager) training programs, I have trained thousands of people in the area of Organizational Philosophy (Vision, Mission, and Values), Balanced Score Card, Result-oriented Interviewing, Communication Skills, Presentation Skills, Managerial Leadership, and Power of Positive Attitude & Affirmations.
Articles penned by me on Business, Human Resource, and Self-Improvement have appeared in the Hindustan Times, Business Manager, Human Factor, and several websites.
I am a published author of unconventional books such as Take Charge of Your Life – Smart DIY Workbook and
The Ultimate Guide To Business Jargon (a five-volume series). My latest passion resulted in the creation of YouTube video series "चल, चलें शिखर की ओर" and "1-Minute Management Class."